
Content Creation As A Podcaster

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As a podcaster or anyone involved in content creation, knowing what content Is and how to create good content is very important.

So the question is what is content?

Content is any information or idea that can be expressed as text, audio, image, or video.

After listening to the replay of Naijapodhub and PodMagic Creator’s Podcast and Chill – content creation and planning on clubhouse with DK Jonah, I was able to gain more insight about content creation and I will be sharing some of the tips I was able to put down.  

ABC of content

  1. Audience
  2. Brand
  3. Connection

This means you have to connect your audience to your brand with your content.

Tips to follow when creating content

  1. Create sharable and irresistible content: this should be the most essential part of your content creation: create quality content( content that entertains and adds value). Quality not quantity is important when creating content. Also, include a call to action in your content.
  2. Build an email list: you do not own your social media platforms and so anything can happen and you can lose all your followers one day. This is why you need an email list. Aside from the fact that people check their emails at least once in a day, You can send reminders before your episode and engage with your listeners/audience.
  3. Create content for your audience and not yourself: find out more about your audience, what they like and what they are interested in. Knowing about your audience helps you create great content easily. You can do this by looking at your analytics for their demographics, age, and so on. You can also engage them by asking them questions and taking note of their feedback.
  4. Check out your competition and learn from them: listen to your competitors,  especially those ranking well, and learn from them. Listen to understand not to respond.
  5. Be authentic: being relevant is better than being viral, stay true to who you are. Creating relevant content requires you to be yourself, your listener will know when you are not real.
  6. Run paid ads: growing a podcast can be hard, there are millions of podcasts available for people to listen to, so if you are not a celebrity or you don’t have a large fan base yet, running sponsored ads is one of the best ways to get noticed by people.

Remember that consistency does not mean showing up every day on your social media page; it means showing up on the days you show up and people know you do.


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